DragonFlite 95 Race Results

DragonFlite 95 Race Results 2024
Season Championship Final Results

May June  July  Aug  Sept
RankSkipperSail No.No. racesAve Score2128411182592330132027310No. racesAve Score
1Jack K197131.38111122211212 1131.38
2Pete D0292.333223    3 311392.33
3Linda K148122.67 442331241 332122.67
4Joel K500112.91455 11 323242 112.91
5John A202083.252334 53    54 83.25
6Jerry W69124.835665444  54654124.83
7John Y8885.257   5655545   85.25
 Ron K3623.006      4      23.00

14 Race dates total for season105 Individual racesTotal sailors participating: 8Participate in 7 or more races to count for season championship

Note: Individual race day scores after June 4 are available from the fleet captain

Race Results for: June 4, 2024       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971713t11112
Pete D22122123224t
Linda K1483145t232331
Ron K364234t444443
Jerry W6952835t55555
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: May 28, 2024       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197181111315t
Pete D2211225t2122
John A20318442325t3
Linda K1484193335t541
Joel K5005245t544434
Jerry W696366t666666
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: May 21, 2024       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19718111215t2
John A202126t221421
Pete D231624t33314
Joel K5004194t344233
Jerry W6953258t85545
Ron K3664338t88888
John Y8874378t87777
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

MBMY DragonFlite 95 Racing 2023
MBMY DragonFlite 95    
Summary: Final Race Results for the 2023 season  
RankSkipperSail No.No. racesAve Score 
1Jack K197141.43 
2Joel K500122.50 
3Linda K148142.79 
4John A2020114.64 
5Ron K3695.00 
6Jerry W69135.08 
7Bob F11175.71 
8John Y88117.09 
 Pete D70264.00 
 Tim B9915.00 
14 Races total for season   
Participate in 7 or more races to count for season championship
Total sailors participating: 10   

Race Results for: Sept 12, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K1481823t11112
Jack K19721012t22221
Jerry W6932245t54333
Joel K500425514546t6
John A2052534336t66
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Sept 5, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K500112313224t1
Jack K1972156t611124
Linda K1483164425t312
Ron K36421125447t5
John A20521234367t3
Jerry W69630556t6536
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 29, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971124113219t
Linda K1482141228t333
John A2031735t45122
Pete D241923547t41
Bob F1115316661669t
Ron K366337t476475
Jerry W6973557329t99
John Y888378t887554
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 22, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197194t111132
Pete D22142242315t
Jerry W6932614557t74
Linda K1484266368t227
Bob F11152737738t43
Joel K500627553446t6
Ron K367288t827551
John Y888417686689t
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 15, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19719113t1132
Linda K1482155t314214
Joel K5003154t422421
John A204238t643343
John Y8853167t55555
Jerry W69636228t8888
Bob F111740358t8888
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 8, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197111127t1124
Joel K5002145t325211
Jerry W6932161547t32
John A20422441346t6
Ron K3652426t46345
Linda K148626753268t3
Bob F11173537t67577
John Y888499t999958
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 1, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971121112435t
Joel K50021325t33221
Bob F111318424117t6
Linda K1484226327t353
John A205257t455614
Pete D262737t76542
John Y8873456647t67
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: July 25, 2023       
Sail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: July 18, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711213t12332
Joel K500213223t3123
John A203176t121544
Linda K148422446t6611
Jerry W6952436t44265
John Y886295555456t
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: July 11, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K1481122225t141
Jack K19721414t31234
Joel K5003165t313423
Ron K364193146t515
Jerry W6952345526t52
John A206409t964399
John Y8874769t78899
Bob F1118509t997799
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: June 20, 2023

SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197192114t131
Joel K5002171223729t
Linda K14831835t51414
Pete D2422543526t3
Ron K365299t992342
John A206304366659t
Jerry W6973467t47575
John Y888427678t886
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: June 13, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19719214t1122
Joel K500211123t2231
Linda K1483184t424413
John A20423331358t8
Tim B995275557t354
Jerry W6963467t66745
John Y88737767568t6
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: June 6, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711013t21312
Joel K5002134138t131
Linda K148315241225t4
Ron K364193244425t
Pete D2526556t3643
Jerry W696337t655566
John Y88741677678t8
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: May 30, 2023       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K500191112134t
Linda K14821324t41222
Jack K1973143t223313
Ron K364194335t441
Jerry W695327t656555
John A2063765648t88
John Y8873757t77666
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Final Race Results for the 2022 season (8 or more races entered)
    MayJune  July 
SkipperSail No.RankAve. Fin24317142128512
Jack K19711.14311111 11
Joel K50022.8572222 353
Linda K14832.8574444212 
Bob F11144.273 6  4262
John A202054.375  533544
Ron K3664.600556  4  
Pete D702 2.714333   3 
Jerry W69 5.000        
John Ynsn 6.286        

  July Aug   Sept 
SkipperSail No.19262162330613No. races
Jack K19711111 1314
Joel K50032 4614114
Linda K14823 3322414
Bob F111 6 2455511
John A20205     6 8
Ron K36442 547 10
Pete D702    2 327
Jerry W69  35 3865
John Ynsn 54676977
16 Races total for season       
Participate in 8 or more races to count for season championship 
Total sailors participating: 9       

Race Results for: Sept 13, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K500113113345t1
Pete D2213224t4113
Jack K1973175421236t
Linda K148417335t2342
Bob F11152145t15524
Jerry W696356t666665
John Ynsn7427t777777
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Sept 6, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711126t14121
Linda K1482146t421412
Pete D23215t163344
Joel K500423324567t3
Bob F11152915767310t
John A2063048822610t
Ron K367318t358555
Jerry W698427737810t10
John Ynsn956999910t1010
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 30, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K5001811122t12
Linda K1482134t223123
Jerry W69319334235t4
Ron K364212435t435
Bob F1115317t777541
John Ynsn6347t754666
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 23, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19716111113t1
Pete D221925t44513
Linda K148319335t5422
Bob F1114218t226254
Ron K3652247t33345
Joel K500631546268t8
John Ynsn738667t7766
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 16, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197192t112212
Bob F1112123t221133
Linda K1483164335t321
Joel K500426147t3477
Jerry W6952657t44544
John Ynsn635655667t7
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: Aug 2, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19716112t1111
Ron K3621223t12232
Jerry Wnsn3163t233323
John Ynsn4244t444444
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 26, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971712t11112
Joel K500212312234t1
Linda K1483184t333234
Ron K36423244445t5
John Ynsn531555556t6
Bob F1116337t777723
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 19, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971815t12211
Linda K1482132234t132
Joel K500318415t1453
Ron K364213345t524
John A205216t423345
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 12, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971813115t11
Bob F111211213t2rdg222
Joel K500314322314t3
John A204214445t234
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 5, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971712t21111
Linda K1482112114t322
Pete D2321354225t5
John A204235t435443
Joel K50052446t53534
Bob F1116366367t777
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: June 28, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K1481101124t141
Bob F1112133215t313
Joel K500316235t2252
Ron K364205t433424
John A2052245t41535
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: June 21, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971711113t12
Linda K14821334t22231
John A203165t343123
Bob F1114192234t444
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: June 14, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19717112t1121
Joel K5002154t332412
John A2031734t13244
Linda K148417224t4333
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: June 7, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711142115t21
Joel K5002142123158t
Pete D23175t332333
Linda K1484213454415t
John A20525154568t4
Ron K36626668t6242
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: May 31, 2022       
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197161t111111
Joel K5002122225t222
Pete D23215t433443
Linda K14842346t62335
Ron K36523334456t4
Bob F1116336t556656
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Race Results for: May 24, 2022

SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711334215t21
Joel K5002164135t152
Pete D231625t12335
Linda K148417125t4244
Ron K365185t343413
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

MBMY DragonFlite 95 Racing 2021

Macatawa Bay Model Yachting  DragonFlite 95         
Final Race Results for the 2021 season (6 or more races entered)          
SkipperSail No.SeasonAve. Fin8-Jun15-Jun22-Jun29-Jun6-Jul13-Jul21-Jul27-Jul3-Aug10-Aug17-Aug24-Aug31-AugNo. races
Jack K19711.36 2111212111 211
Joel K50022.091 3324 12321111
Pete D70232.36312231 3323 311
Linda K14843.75444443344 43412
John A202053.7823 55 2 5 5259
Race Results for: Aug 31, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K500112245t1311
Jack K1972131115t145
Pete D231542324t22
Linda K1484185t343233
John A2052435246t64
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: Aug 24, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K500182t112112
John A2029122123t1
Linda K1483173t333323
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: Aug 17, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711235t14112
Joel K500213213334t1
Pete D2316432125t4
Linda K148417125t5423
John A205235t442535
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: Aug 10, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971921113t31
Pete D22111223t222
Joel K5003133t332113
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: Aug 3, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197181212115t
Joel K50021421235t24
Pete D2318334t4431
Linda K148419445t1343
John A205245t535452
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: July 27, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K500111113t2331
Jack K19721132114t22
Pete D231223t23113
Linda K1484224t444244
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: July 21, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197181121213t
John A20211221314t2
Linda K1483166t334321
Kirk 9205276t662535
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: July 13, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Pete D211131134t21
Jack K197212234t2212
Linda K1483141234t143
Joel K5004174t421334
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: July 6, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711011225t31
Joel K5002112214t114
Pete D2318344325t2
Linda K14842045t31345
John A205225t355423
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: June 29, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197183111116t
Pete D22141425t241
Joel K500316224t3333
Linda K1484184t334422
John A205266t552554
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: June 22, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10
Jack K197116111134t3141
Pete D7022192224t221224
Joel K5003224t332114413
Linda K14842734t43432332
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: June 15, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Pete D7021102314t211
Jack K19721012t22122
John A203194t433432
Linda K1484234t344444
Martin A4205306t555555
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: June 8, 2021     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K5001924t13111
John A2021012213t22
Pete D1973143t132233
Linda K1484234t344444
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     

MBMY DragonFlite 95 Racing 2020

Final Race Results for the 2020 season (5 or more races entered)

SkipperSail No.SeasonAve. Fin23-Jun30-Jun28-Jul7-Aug14-Aug21-Aug28-Aug4-Sep18-Sep18-Sep
Jack K19711.111112 11111
Linda K14822.22233 122322
Joel K50032.44422123 233
John A202043.433 43343  4
Race Results for: Sept 18, 2020     
Series 1   9/18/2020     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K1482123t312222
Joel K500313213t3331
Series 2   9/18/2020     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K14821224t13231
Joel K500314124t2324
John A204203334t443
Race Results for: Sept 4, 2020     
Sailed at MBYC     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K5002123t323121
Linda K148315223t2333
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: Aug 28, 2020     
Sailed at MBYC     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K14821222123t23
John A203143t333131
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: Aug 21, 2020     
Sailed at MBYC     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197171112t211
Linda K1482143321324t
Joel K5003162445t132
John A204194t233443
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
MBMY DragonFlite 95 Racing 2020     
Race Results for: Aug 14, 2020     
Sailed at MBYC     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K148181113t131
John A203145t521222
Kirk H9204243345t554
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
MBMY DragonFlite 95 Racing 2020     
Race Results for: Aug 7, 2020     
Sailed at MBYC     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K5001101223t131
Jack K19721021314t12
John A203144t312224
Kirk H92042134t44343
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
Race Results for: July 28, 2020     
Sailed at MBYC     
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971101113t232
Joel K50021024t22121
Linda K1483143t331313
John A204224t244444
Scored with one throwout after 5 races     
MBMY DragonFlite 95 Racing 2020      
Race Results for: June 30, 2020       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971715t1212 
Joel K5002921213t3 
Linda K1483114t23321 
Kirk H920418334t444  
Race Results for: June 23, 2020       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197171117t121
Linda K14821223t23212
Kirk H 3204432437t
John A204255561357t
Joel K5005303247t777
JP 6316657t743
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

DragonFlite 95 Race Results 2019

Race Results for: Sept 3, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Joel K50017111213t1
Doug P6921425t21342
Linda K1483154233215t
John A20420335t4424
Michael N 5265t445553
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: Aug 13, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971614t11111
Linda K1482194t344422
JP 32127t27343
John A20423326t5634
Doug P6952456t33265
Michael N 6297t172577
Ed W 73365567t56
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: Aug 6, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971812t21211
Linda K1482155t512142
Joel K5003152134t333
Doug Pawb4225t543424
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 30, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971103t122212
Ed W 2124t311124
Joel K50031715t44431
JP 4186t233343
Linda K148526245t5555
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 23, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K19711014t33111
John A2021222123t23
Ed W 3166t121462
Bill P 425334456t6
Linda K14852846t66264
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: June 4, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971511112t1 
Joel K50021023t2312 
Linda K1483123t23223 
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for: July 16, 2019       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971811127t21
Joel K500294t221112
Ed W 318235327t3
Linda K1484223434445t
Michael N 5246t545334
Bill P 63456667t56
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       

Final Race Results for the 2018 season

SkipperSail No.12-Jun26-Jun24-Jul14-Aug
Jack K1972121
Doug Pnsn13  
Linda K1483213
Michael Nnsn 432
Joel K5005 44
Bill Pnsn   5
Race Results for: Aug 14, 2018       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K1971411114t  
Michael N 295t4221  
Linda K1483113234t3  
Joel K500412435t32  
Bill P 51625t455  
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for:  July 24, 2018       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Linda K1481923t12112
Jack K197211112134t3
Michael N 3154t243231
Joel K50042034t34424
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for:  June 26, 2018       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Jack K197172t112111
Linda K148213123t1333
Doug P 3143t323222
Michael N 4245t444444
Scored with one throwout after 5 races       
Race Results for:  June 12, 2018       
Sailed at MBYC         
SkipperSail No.PlaceTotalR1R2R3R4R5R6R7
Doug Pawb1121315t412
Jack K197215226t1253
Linda K1483165t122524
Joel K5005203533336t
Scored with one throwout after 5 races